Black Mountain Ranch

Black Mountain Ranch was established in 1971 as a non-profit organization in the State of Washington. Ours is a family campground with members from Canada and the United States. The Ranch is run by a Board of Trustees elected by the Members. Membership at the Ranch is limited to 1000 members, and each membership is entitled to one designated campsite. Each member has their designated campsite for their exclusive use, (this is not a timeshare), as well as access to all recreational facilities on the Ranch.


Black Mountain Ranch is a luxury style campground located in the beautiful wilderness of the Pacific Northwest. Only a few miles from the Mt. Baker National Forest, Black Mountain Ranch boasts a 9 hole golf course, an indoor and outdoor pool, horseback riding, tennis courts, a gym, library, hiking trails, a volleyball court, horse shoe pits, and much more!


There are many annual and seasonal events put on by Black Mountain Ranch’s members for all to enjoy! Most notable is Gala Weekend, which is a carnival style event with food, games, and even a parade. There are also golf, horse shoe, and volleyball tournaments as well as arts and crafts, youth events, dances, and horse shows open for all members to participate in.


Black Mountain Ranch was established in 1971. There are still some original members, or members who have passed their campsite to their family members for generations. This has instilled a very strong sense of community here at the Ranch.


Visit the Black Mountain Ranch Classified Ads page.

Business Directory

There are many small businesses in our local area that have great services available. Visit the directory to find out if there is a service provider nearby the ranch.

Member Resources

Are you a member of Black Mountain Ranch? Visit the member documents page to see what’s going on with the board.

Weather Report at BMR